I have been working on some legacy C++ code that uses variable length structures (TAPI), where the structure size will depend on variable length strings. The structures are allo
@Matt Cruikshank You should pay attention and read what I wrote again because I never suggested not calling delete[] and just let the OS clean up. And you're wrong about the C++ run-time libraries managing the heap. If that were the case then C++ would not be portable as is today and a crashing application would never get cleaned up by the OS. (acknowledging there are OS specific run-times that make C/C++ appear non-portable). I challenge you to find stdlib.h in the Linux sources from kernel.org. The new keyword in C++ actually is talking to the same memory management routines as malloc.
The C++ run-time libraries make OS system calls and it's the OS that manages the heaps. You are partly correct in that the run-time libraries indicate when to release the memory however, they don't actually walk any heap tables directly. In other words, the runtime you link against does not add code to your application to walk heaps to allocate or deallocate. This is the case in Windows, Linux, Solaris, AIX, etc... It's also the reason you won't fine malloc in any Linux's kernel source nor will you find stdlib.h in Linux source. Understand these modern operating system have virtual memory managers that complicates things a bit further.
Ever wonder why you can make a call to malloc for 2G of RAM on a 1G box and still get back a valid memory pointer?
Memory management on x86 processors is managed within Kernel space using three tables. PAM (Page Allocation Table), PD (Page Directories) and PT (Page Tables). This is at the hardware level I'm speaking of. One of the things the OS memory manager does, not your C++ application, is to find out how much physical memory is installed on the box during boot with help of BIOS calls. The OS also handles exceptions such as when you try to access memory your application does not have rights too. (GPF General Protection Fault).
It may be that we are saying the same thing Matt, but I think you may be confusing the under hood functionality a bit. I use to maintain a C/C++ compiler for a living...