i am tryig to execute a sample python program through monkey runner command prompt and it is throwing an error
Can\'t open specified script file
Usage: monkeyrun
It looks not make sense to switch working directory to Android SDK folder but just for obtain some relative references path for itself. It means you have to specify the full path for your script file and the PNG image files you want to save or compare to.
A better way is modify few lines in the "monkeyrunner.bat" under your SDK folder as below. This will use your current path as working directory, so, no necessary to use full path file name.
rem don't modify the caller's environment
rem Set up prog to be the path of this script, including following symlinks,
rem and set up progdir to be the fully-qualified pathname of its directory.
set prog=%~f0
rem Change current directory and drive to where the script is, to avoid
rem issues with directories containing whitespaces.
rem cd /d %~dp0
rem Check we have a valid Java.exe in the path.
set java_exe=
call %~sdp0\lib\find_java.bat
if not defined java_exe goto :EOF
set jarfile=monkeyrunner.jar
set frameworkdir=
set libdir=
if exist %frameworkdir%%jarfile% goto JarFileOk
set frameworkdir=%~sdp0\lib\
if exist %frameworkdir%%jarfile% goto JarFileOk
set frameworkdir=%~sdp0\..\framework\
set jarpath=%frameworkdir%%jarfile%
if not defined ANDROID_SWT goto QueryArch
set swt_path=%ANDROID_SWT%
goto SwtDone
for /f %%a in ('%java_exe% -jar %frameworkdir%archquery.jar') do set swt_path=%frameworkdir%%%a
if exist %swt_path% goto SetPath
echo SWT folder '%swt_path%' does not exist.
echo Please set ANDROID_SWT to point to the folder containing swt.jar for your platform.
exit /B
call %java_exe% -Xmx512m -Djava.ext.dirs=%frameworkdir%;%swt_path% -Dcom.android.monkeyrunner.bindir=%frameworkdir%\..\..\platform-tools\ -jar %jarpath% %*