I have the following query:
SUM(\"balance_transactions\".\"fee\") AS sum_id
FROM \"balance_transactions\"
JOIN charges ON balance_transactions
This will return all the month ranges' sum between a given date and today.
Tuples output - SQL Fiddle
select distinct on (s.d)
s.d as "date",
sum(bt.fee) over (
partition by daterange(s.d, (s.d + interval '1 month')::date, '[]')
) as sum_id
balance_transactions bt
inner join
charges on bt.source = charges.balance_id
right join
select d::date as d
from generate_series (
interval '1 day'
) s(d)
) s on s.d = bt.created
bt.account_id = 6
and bt.type = 'charge'
and charges.refunded = false
and charges.invoice is not null
order by s.d
Array output. Does not work on SQL Fiddle but works in my desktop.
select array_agg(("date", sum_id)) as arr_sum_id
from (
select distinct on (s.d)
s.d as "date",
sum(bt.fee) over (
partition by daterange(s.d, (s.d + interval '1 month')::date, '[]')
) as sum_id
balance_transactions bt
inner join
charges on bt.source = charges.balance_id
right join
select d::date as d
from generate_series (
interval '1 day'
) s(d)
) s on s.d = bt.created
bt.account_id = 6
and bt.type = 'charge'
and charges.refunded = false
and charges.invoice is not null
order by s.d
) s