I have a User model and a Event model in my project. The Event has a creator(User) and has participant(Users) so Event has a one-to-many relationship with User and also a many-t
With Code First Approach, I would always recommend to use fluent API rather than using DataAnnotations, Which uses some conversions automatically.
This way, you'll know what exact configuration you've made.
If I were you, here is what i would use :
public class EventMap : EntityTypeConfiguration
public EventMap()
this.HasRequired(m => m.CreatedBy) // envent must have a creator
.WithMany() // a user can have 0,1 or more events created by him
.HasForeignKey(m => m.CreatedById) // specify property to be used as FK
.WillCascadeOnDelete(true); // delete all events created by user if that specific user is deleted
this.HasMany(m=>m.Users) // an event can have 0,1 or more participants
.WithMany(m=>m.Events) // a user can be a participant in 0,1 or more events
.Map(m => m.MapLeftKey("EventId").MapRightKey("UserId")); // this will generate intermediate table to hold participant information - dbo.EventUser with EventId & UserId
// Cascade Delete is always true for Many to Many mapping. however, it doesn't delete entry in other table, it deletes entry in Joined Table only.