Below is the getQueryPredictions example given by google
service.getQueryPredictions({input: \'pizza near\'}, callback);
Is there a way to rest
Use this similar function (it's a bit more powerfull than getQueryPredictions):
input: "pizza near",
types: ['(cities)'],
componentRestrictions: {country: 'fr'}
Four types are supported: 'establishment' for businesses, 'geocode' for addresses, '(regions)' for administrative regions and '(cities)' for localities.
Or, if you want to use geyQueryPredictions(), you can do the following trick (but it's not a good way):
{input: 'pizza near' + ',AR-M'}
Where 'AR-M' is the Postcode of ARGENTINA, MENDOZA. (where I live) Just look at your location's postcode.
The, when you show the predictions, do:
for (var i = 0, max = predictions.length; i < max; i++) {
var address = predictions[i].description.replace(/AR-M,/g, '');
Hope that helps.