I have a very powershell script that works perfectly and does:
echo \"Woo I opened $fileName\"
When I run it on
For those like me who got here looking for general file types associations, I ended up using this function:
Function Create-Association($ext, $exe) {
$name = cmd /c "assoc $ext 2>NUL"
if ($name) { # Association already exists: override it
$name = $name.Split('=')[1]
} else { # Name doesn't exist: create it
$name = "$($ext.Replace('.',''))file" # ".log.1" becomes "log1file"
cmd /c 'assoc $ext=$name'
cmd /c "ftype $name=`"$exe`" `"%1`""
I struggled with proper quoting from @Ansgar Wiechers's answer but finally got it right :)