A database that stores a lot of credit card information is an inevitable part of the system we have just completed. What I want though is ultimate security of the card numbers w
I'd symmetrically encrypt (AES) a secure salted hash (SHA-256 + salt). The salted hash would be enough with a big salt, but the encryption adds a bit extra in case the database and not the code leaks and there are rainbow tables for salted hashes by then or some other means. Store the key in the code, not in the database, of course.
It's worth noting that nothing protects you from crooked teammates, they can also store a copy of the date before hashing, for instance. You have to take good care of the code repository and do frequent code revisions for all code in the credit card handling path. Also try to minimize the time from receiving the data and having it crypted/hashed, manually ensuring the variable where it was stored is cleared from memory.