I am trying to create a Round Robin algorithm ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Round-robin_scheduling ) in a pure functional way.
This function, is
Easy way to make immutable object in JS is to use Object.freeze
I created your input array as:
const array1 = Object.freeze([
Object.freeze([ 1, 2 ]),
Object.freeze([ 3, 4 ])
Then, when I tried to call your function I got:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot add/remove sealed array elements
at Array.shift ()
at arr.reduce (:7:38)
at Array.reduce ()
at roundRobin (:4:28)
at :6:17
You're using shift
, which is mutating orignal array.
Replace it with Array.slice(0,1)[0]
and it will start working.