I\'ve got a dropdown selector and a slider scale. I want to render a plot with the drop down selector being the source of data. - I\'ve got this part working
I simply wa
I think you're looking for the updateSliderInput function that allows you to programmatically update a shiny input: http://shiny.rstudio.com/reference/shiny/latest/updateSliderInput.html. There are similar functions for other inputs as well.
x.dataset.selection = input$selection
if (x.dataset.selection == "raw") {
x.num.rows = nrow(obatch)
} else {
x.num.rows = nrow(eset.spike)
# Edit: Turns out updateSliderInput can't do this,
# but using a numericInput with
# updateNumericInput should do the trick.
updateSliderInput(session, "probes",
label = paste("Slider label", x.dataset.selection),
value = c(1,x.num.rows))