I am trying to convert the keys of a multi-dimensional array from CamelCase to snake_case, with the added complication that some keys have an exclamation mark that I\'d like rem
You can run a foreach on the arrays keys, this way you'll rename the keys in-place:
function transformKeys(&$array) {
foreach (array_keys($array) as $key) {
# This is what you actually want to do with your keys:
# - remove exclamation marks at the front
# - camelCase to snake_case
$transformedKey = ltrim($key, '!');
$transformedKey = strtolower($transformedKey[0] . preg_replace('/[A-Z]/', '_$0', substr($transformedKey, 1)));
# Store with new key
$array[$transformedKey] = &$array[$key];
# Work recursively
if (is_array($array[$transformedKey])) {