I am new to GWT and learning it via the the Google documents. How do I setup GWT with Tomcat? I am required to intergrate it with Tomcat for work purposes.
A more convenient method to run GWT in Development mode on external tomcat server is as follows. It involves two parts
I will be using following paths and names in this example
First step is to point tomcat to war dir of GWT project. One method to run GWT on external server is to copy static, image files and gwt dir to tomcat/webapps dir. On any changes in server side classes (like rcp etc) or static files we have to copy them again. This will be cumbersome during develpment cycle. Instead we can point tomcat to project's war directory so that tomcat runs the app directly from eclipse workspace. On any changes in project tomcat will do a reload.
To do this, add
This is actually context.xml file found in META-INF of tomcat application but named as
Now start tomcat. Check that application runs properly. Make some change in eclipse and app will be reload by tomcat. Cross verify the same in tomcat logs.
Now to second part. We can use GWT code sever feature as detailed in GWT Debug
To do this go to "Run As" option in project context menu and select "Web Application (Running on external server)". Enter external server root as Fins and give html page as Fins.html. This will run the GWT app in development mode without running embedded Jetty server.
But it will still point to http://localhost:8888/Fins/Fins.html
. We have to edit Run configuration to change Jetty port 8888 to tomcat's 8080.
Go to run configurations and select Fin.html (external). Change browser field in GWT tab to http://localhost:8080/Fins/Fins.html
Run and access the app at
Now you will be able to use GWT development mode fully.