When we decorate function, we use functools.wraps to make decorated function look like original.
Is there any wat to do same, when we want to decorate class?
Oh, I guess now I understand what are your trying to achieve.
You want to attach new methods from a "wrapper" using a class decorator.
Here is a workng example:
class Wrapper(object):
"""Some Wrapper not important doc."""
def another_method(self):
"""Another method."""
print 'Another method'
def some_class_decorator(cls_to_decorate):
return type(cls_to_decorate.__name__, cls_to_decorate.__bases__, dict
(cls_to_decorate.__dict__, another_method=Wrapper.__dict__['another_method']))
class MainClass(object):
"""MainClass important doc."""
def method(self):
"""A method."""
print "A method"
_MainClass = some_class_decorator(MainClass)
This example creates a new class not modifying the old class.
But I guess you could also just inject the given methods in the old class, modifying it in place.