I have an SVG showing on a simple web page, but once I resize the image beyond a certain size (height: ~65vh) the SVG has an invisible space around it that makes the page massiv
I made this codepen that might help others who don't want to deal with drawing tools:
EDIT: Here’s a more up-to-date version of my previous codepen solution: https://svgcrop.com
// USER: Set either a width OR height (will scale evenly)
const WIDTH = 100;
const HEIGHT = null;
// Grab the SVG and remove any existing viewBox
const svg = document.querySelector('svg');
// Set default coordinates
const coords = {
top: Infinity,
left: Infinity,
bottom: -Infinity,
right: -Infinity
// Filter SVG to visible elements
filterize = newSvg => {
const newest = [...newSvg.children].filter(x => x.tagName !== 'defs' && x.tagName !== 'style' && x.tagName !== 'title' && x.tagName !== 'desc');
if ((newest.length === 1 && newest.childElementCount > 0) || newest[0].tagName === 'g') {
return filterize(newest[0]);
return newest.filter(x => (x.getBoundingClientRect().top !== 0 && x.getBoundingClientRect().left !== 0 && x.getBoundingClientRect().bottom !== 0 && x.getBoundingClientRect().right !== 0));
// Get coordinates of SVG elements
filterize(svg).forEach(x => {
const {top, left, bottom, right} = x.getBoundingClientRect();
if (top < coords.top) {
coords.top = x.getBoundingClientRect().top;
if (left < coords.left) {
coords.left = x.getBoundingClientRect().left;
if (right > coords.right) {
coords.right = x.getBoundingClientRect().right;
if (bottom > coords.bottom) {
coords.bottom = x.getBoundingClientRect().bottom;
// Set viewBox based on coordinates
svg.setAttribute('viewBox', `${coords.left.toFixed(2)} ${coords.top.toFixed(2)} ${(coords.right - coords.left).toFixed(2)} ${(coords.bottom - coords.top).toFixed(2)}`);
// Set given width OR height
WIDTH && svg.setAttribute('width', WIDTH);
HEIGHT && svg.setAttribute('height', HEIGHT);
// Add textarea with new SVG code to copy
const textarea = document.createElement('textarea');
textarea.style = `display:block;margin-top:2rem;width:100%;padding:0;min-height:calc(100vh - ${getComputedStyle(svg).height} - 2rem);`;
textarea.innerHTML = svg.outerHTML;