I\'m having so much problems with Enterpsie Distribution on iOS 8.1.3. I managed to fix MOST of my installations which were giving this error:
Ignore manifest do
I have resolved this issue by following the steps from this post: https://stackoverflow.com/a/28235443/2638825
For apps that have been signed by a third party that you're resigning with your enterprise certificate (this walkthrough is assuming the ipa file is AcmeApp.ipa, your entitlements file is entitlements.plist and your provisioning profile is provProvile.mobileprovision; all files are in the Desktop folder (Mac OSX), and S836XXACME is your team identifier):
Create a new entitlements.plist file:
Unzip the ipa:
cd ~/Desktop
unzip AcmeApp.ipa
Remove the Code Signature:
rm -r Payload/AcmeApp.app/_CodeSignature/
Copy in the mobileprovision file:
cp provProfile.mobileprovision Payload/AcmeApp.app/embedded.mobileprovision
codesign -f -s "iPhone Distribution: ACME Corporation Limited" --entitlements entitlements.plist Payload/AcmeApp.app
Zip it up as the resigned ipa:
zip -qr AcmeApp_resigned.ipa Payload/
You also need to amend the manifest.plist file as per the 'ALREADY' signed part earlier:
I tried this solution on iOS 8.4.1, 8.4, 8.0.2 and 7.1.1 devices and it works for me.
thank you "Mark Chamberlain" :)