I want to calculate a rolling maximum and minimum value efficiently. Meaning anything better than recalculating the maximum/minimum from all the values in use every time the win
After writing my own algo yesterday, and asking for improvements, I was referred here. Indeed this algo is more elegant. I'm not sure it offers constant speed calc regardless of the window size, but regardless, I tested the performance vs my own caching algo (fairly simple, and probably uses the same idea as others have proposed). the caching is 8-15 times faster (tested with rolling windows of 5,50,300,1000 I don't need more). below are both alternatives with stopwatches and result validation.
static class Program
static Random r = new Random();
static int Window = 50; //(small to facilitate visual functional test). eventually could be 100 1000, but not more than 5000.
const int FullDataSize =1000;
static double[] InputArr = new double[FullDataSize]; //array prefilled with the random input data.
//====================== Caching algo variables
static double Low = 0;
static int LowLocation = 0;
static int CurrentLocation = 0;
static double[] Result1 = new double[FullDataSize]; //contains the caching mimimum result
static int i1; //incrementor, just to store the result back to the array. In real life, the result is not even stored back to array.
//====================== Ascending Minima algo variables
static double[] Result2 = new double[FullDataSize]; //contains ascending miminum result.
static double[] RollWinArray = new double[Window]; //array for the caching algo
static Deque RollWinDeque = new Deque(); //Niro.Deque nuget.
static int i2; //used by the struct of the Deque (not just for result storage)
//====================================== my initialy proposed caching algo
static void CalcCachingMin(double currentNum)
RollWinArray[CurrentLocation] = currentNum;
if (currentNum <= Low)
LowLocation = CurrentLocation;
Low = currentNum;
else if (CurrentLocation == LowLocation)
if (CurrentLocation == Window) CurrentLocation = 0; //this is faster
//CurrentLocation = CurrentLocation % Window; //this is slower, still over 10 fold faster than ascending minima
Result1[i1++] = Low;
//full iteration run each time lowest is overwritten.
static void ReFindHighest()
Low = RollWinArray[0];
LowLocation = 0; //bug fix. missing from initial version.
for (int i = 1; i < Window; i++)
if (RollWinArray[i] < Low)
Low = RollWinArray[i];
LowLocation = i;
//======================================= Ascending Minima algo based on http://stackoverflow.com/a/14823809/2381899
private struct MinimaValue
public int RemoveIndex { get; set; }
public double Value { get; set; }
public static void CalcAscendingMinima (double newNum)
{ //same algo as the extension method below, but used on external arrays, and fed with 1 data point at a time like in the projected real time app.
while (RollWinDeque.Count > 0 && i2 >= RollWinDeque[0].RemoveIndex)
while (RollWinDeque.Count > 0 && RollWinDeque[RollWinDeque.Count - 1].Value >= newNum)
RollWinDeque.AddToBack(new MinimaValue { RemoveIndex = i2 + Window, Value = newNum });
Result2[i2++] = RollWinDeque[0].Value;
public static double[] GetMin(this double[] input, int window)
{ //this is the initial method extesion for ascending mimima
//taken from http://stackoverflow.com/a/14823809/2381899
var queue = new Deque();
var result = new double[input.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
var val = input[i];
// Note: in Nito.Deque, queue[0] is the front
while (queue.Count > 0 && i >= queue[0].RemoveIndex)
while (queue.Count > 0 && queue[queue.Count - 1].Value >= val)
queue.AddToBack(new MinimaValue { RemoveIndex = i + window, Value = val });
result[i] = queue[0].Value;
return result;
//============================================ Test program.
static void Main(string[] args)
{ //this it the test program.
//it runs several attempts of both algos on the same data.
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
Low = 12000;
for (int i = 0; i < Window; i++)
RollWinArray[i] = 10000000;
//Fill the data + functional test - generate 100 numbers and check them in as you go:
InputArr[0] = 12000;
for (int i = 1; i < FullDataSize; i++) //fill the Input array with random data.
//InputArr[i] = r.Next(100) + 11000;//simple data.
InputArr[i] = InputArr[i - 1] + r.NextDouble() - 0.5; //brownian motion data.
Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
for (int i = 0; i < FullDataSize; i++) //run the Caching algo.
Console.WriteLine("Caching : " + stopwatch.ElapsedTicks + " mS: " + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
for (int i = 0; i < FullDataSize; i++) //run the Ascending Minima algo
Console.WriteLine("AscMimima: " + stopwatch.ElapsedTicks + " mS: " + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
i1 = 0; i2 = 0; RollWinDeque.Clear();
for (int i = 0; i < FullDataSize; i++) //test the results.
if (Result2[i] != Result1[i]) //this is a test that algos are valid. Errors (mismatches) are printed.
Console.WriteLine("Current:" + InputArr[i].ToString("#.00") + "\tLowest of " + Window + "last is " + Result1[i].ToString("#.00") + " " + Result2[i].ToString("#.00") + "\t" + (Result1[i] == Result2[i])); //for validation purposes only.