I\'m trying to filter some data, with functions in R relatives to data frames. But in the second function, it gives me the following error: cannot change the value of locked bin
I had this problem when creating function inside a package, and I was using <<-
inside exported function to overwrite some functions from different package. I've created hack with env <- parent.env()
and adding this to parent env instead since the function was always called at top level. So env will be scope of the code that call the function not the package.
here is complete code of this function, it overwrite shiny and current package functions:
#' @export
useMocks <- function() {
observeEvent <- battery::observeEventMock
assignInNamespace("observeEvent", observeEvent, "battery")
assignInNamespace("observeEvent", observeEvent, "shiny")
isolate <- battery::isolate
assignInNamespace("isolate", isolate, "shiny")
makeReactiveBinding <- battery::makeReactiveBinding
assignInNamespace("makeReactiveBinding", makeReactiveBinding, "shiny")
renderUI <- battery::renderUI
assignInNamespace("renderUI", renderUI, "shiny")
## we modify the parent frame so it update environment when function is called not the package
env <- parent.frame()
env$observeEvent <- observeEvent
env$isolate <- isolate
env$renderUI <- renderUI
using <<-
throw this error here because you can't modify the package scope.
observeEvent <<- battery::observeEventMock
this don't work