I apply a custom View
to the ActionBar
, like this
// Inflate the \"Done/Discard\" custom ActionBar view.
LayoutInflater inflater = (La
Since you only added a custom view to the bar without removing the title it should be sufficient to hide that custom View
. You can use method setDisplayShowCustomEnabled()
. Just call:
And enable home functionality again:
(Note in all code examples use getSupportActionBar()
instead of getActionBar()
if you're using actionbar compat. Also the getActivity()
is only needed from fragments, in activities refer to the activity itself, in most cases this
If however you also removed the title when creating your custom view you'll have to enable that again also.
You can also call the setDisplayOptions() method with a combination of options to reconfigure the actionbar in one call. The below example removes the custom view and shows the title.
See Android API docs for more details on these options.