I want to consider the following three (related?) Coq definitions.
Inductive nat1: Prop :=
| z1 : nat1
| s1 : nat1 -> nat1.
Inductive nat2 : Set :=
Type : Type
is inconsistent.
Impredicative Set
with excluded middle implies proof irrelevance, so impredicative Set
with proof relevance, e.g. true <> false
, refutes excluded middle, which intuitionism isn't supposed to do.
Therefore we leave impredicativity in Prop
and the rest of the type hierarchy gives us predicativity.
By the way,
forall P : nat1 -> Prop, P z1 -> (forall n : nat1, P n -> P (s1 n)) -> forall n : nat1, P n
is provable. Don't ask me what's the benefit of Coq only automatically proving that other weaker induction principle...
Also, have you read this chapter of CPDT?