I\'m making a little chat messenger program, which needs a list of chat channels the user has joined. To represent this list graphically, I have made a list of QPushButton
I would do it with "relay" objects:
Create TabSwitchRelay
which is a sub-class of QObject
with this constructor:
TabSwitchRelay::TabSwitchRelay(QObject *parent, Messanger * m, const QString & c)
: QObject(parent), m_messanger(m), m_channel(c)
It also has a slot clicked()
void TabSwitchRelay::clicked()
Now replace the line in your code that does connect with this:
TabSwitchRelay * tabRelay = new TabSwitchRelay(pushButton, this, channel);
connect(pushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), tabRelay, SLOT(clicked()));
It's not tested but you get teh basic idea.