I want to store a 64bit (8 byte) big integer to a nodejs buffer object in big endian format.
The problem about this task is that nodejs buffer only supports writing 32bi
Reading and writings UINT numbers up to Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
This works in node.js only, is not portable on browser side.
function uintToBase62(n) {
if (n < 0) throw 'unsupported negative integer';
let uintBuffer;
if (n < 0x7FFFFFFF) {
uintBuffer = new Buffer(4);
uintBuffer.writeUInt32BE(n, 0);
} else {
// `~~` double bitwise operator
// The most practical way of utilizing the power of this operator is to use it as a replacement
// for Math.floor() function as double bitwise NOT performs the same operation a lot quicker.
// You can use it, to convert any floating point number to a integer without performance overkill
// that comes with Math.floor(). Additionally, when you care about minification of your code,
// you end up using 2 characters (2 tildes) instead of 12.
// http://rocha.la/JavaScript-bitwise-operators-in-practice
const big = ~~(n / 0x0100000000);
const low = (n % 0x0100000000);
uintBuffer = new Buffer(8);
uintBuffer.writeUInt32BE(big, 0);
uintBuffer.writeUInt32BE(low, 4);
return uintBuffer.toString('hex');
to convert it
function uintFromBase62(uintBuffer) {
const n = parseInt(uintBuffer.toString('hex'), 16);
return n;