I wrote a simple JAX-WS web service for tomcat application server on java.
I have one interface and on implementation class:
It is actually not possible to use inlineSchemas
with the runtime WSDL generator. I debugged the WSDL generation and found this line in the EndpointFactory
, where the inlineSchemas
feature (which actually is present in the wsgen
tool) is just set to false
* Generates the WSDL and XML Schema for the endpoint if necessary
* It generates WSDL only for SOAP1.1, and for XSOAP1.2 bindings
private static SDDocumentImpl generateWSDL(WSBinding binding, AbstractSEIModelImpl seiModel, Collection docs,
Container container, Class implType) {
// [...]
WSDLGenInfo wsdlGenInfo = new WSDLGenInfo();
// [...]
// [...]
// [...]
There is also an open issue for JAX-WS to change this (but I guess there is not much hope for changes in JAX-WS anymore). https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/metro-jax-ws/issues/49