Is it possible to store web content (such as JSPs, HTML, images, CSS etc) in a JAR file?
I\'ve been looking at various options at modularising our web applications and t
In Core JavaServer Faces, 3rd edition, under "Packaging Composite Components in JARs" on p. 382, it talks about packaging composite components in JAR files.
"All you have to do is put your composite component, and its artifacts, such as JavaScript, stylesheets, or properties files, under a META-INF directory in the JAR, as shown in Figure 9-14."
+-- resources
+-- css
| +-- styles.css
+-- images
| +-- back.png
+-- util
+-- icon.xhtml
+-- login.js
I'm not sure how easily these resources can be accessed directly from other applications as opposed to the contained composite components.