Both tools translate assembly instructions directly into machine code, but is it possible to determine which one produces the fastest and cleanest code?
@Brian: that was not the question ...
@cyber98834: Well, an assembler does what every assembler must do : translate every instruction to its opcode .
There's no optimization .
Oh and also, there's not such a thing as a "fastest code" ... Can I ask you a question ? The CPU's speed is static, isn't it ?
So, you can't make a code run faster because you can't change the CPU's speed .
But, you can shrink the code so that the CPU handles less amount of instructions, and so takes less time to run .
I hope you understand what I'm trying to say .
I suggest you to buy ( or to look for some pdf's, but I don't know if that's legal ) Michael Abrash's Graphics Programming Black Book which covers many optimization lessons .