Updating to macOS Catalina gives error on opening terminal
ERROR: Can\'t find Ruby library file or shared library colorls
usage: dirname path
Error: gem native extension error while installing cocoapods
Answer: Follow below 3 Steps issue will be fixed.
Step 1: Open XCode go to below path
XCode > Preferences > Locations > Command Line Tools (select-Xcode)
Step 2: Open Terminal- Paste the below Command
curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable
Reopen Terminal -Paste the below Commands
Note: It will take 3-5 minutes
rvm install ruby-2.6
rvm use ruby-2.6.3
rvm --default use 2.6.3
Open Terminal- Type below Command
sudo gem install cocoapods
Now gem native extension error while installing cocoapods will not come
Issue resolved.