How do I send a cross-domain POST request via JavaScript?
Notes - it shouldn\'t refresh the page, and I need to grab and parse the response afterwards.
There is one more way (using html5 feature). You can use proxy iframe hosted on that other domain, you send message using postMessage to that iframe, then that iframe can do POST request (on same domain) and postMessage back with reposnse to the parent window.
parent on
var win = $('iframe')[0].contentWindow
function get(event) {
if (event.origin === "") {
// is response from POST
if (window.addEventListener){
addEventListener("message", get, false)
} else {
attachEvent("onmessage", get)
win.postMessage(JSON.stringify({url: "URL", data: {}}),"");
iframe on
function listener(event) {
if (event.origin === "") {
var data = JSON.parse(;
$.post(data.url,, function(reponse) {
window.parent.postMessage(reponse, "*");
// don't know if we can use jQuery here
if (window.addEventListener){
addEventListener("message", listener, false)
} else {
attachEvent("onmessage", listener)