I have two questions regarding to the positioning of a mpl window (using WXAgg backend)
1-) How to create a maximized window, instead of me clicking on window to maximiz
Relative to your first question, you can use Maximize
on your figure manager (as your figure manager is a FigureManagerWx
instance) or equivalent methods in case of other backends:
>>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
>>> plt.plot([1,2,6,4])
>>> mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager()
>>> plt.show() # you get normal size
>>> mng.frame.Maximize(True) # now mpl window maximizes
For the second question, I am not sure (i can not test it) but if the problem can be solved by setting the position of your figure in a screen extended in two monitors, then you can use SetPosition (again for a wxAgg backend):
>>> mng.frame.SetPosition(*args, **kwargs)