How can I get the NFC contactless reader ACR122U to behave as a tag (card emulation mode)? The prospectus claims that the device can do card emulation, but the SDK does not seem
For getting the ACR122 (or rather the PN532 NFC controller chip inside it) into card emulation mode, you would do about the following:
> FF000000 08 D406 6305 630D 6338
< D507 xx yy zz 9000
Update register values:
xx = xx | 0x004; // CIU_TxAuto |= InitialRFOn
yy = yy & 0x0EF; // CIU_ManualRCV &= ~ParityDisable
zz = zz & 0x0F7; // CIU_Status2 &= ~MFCrypto1On
> FF000000 11 D408 6302 80 6303 80 6305 xx 630D yy 6338 zz
< D509 9000
> FF000000 03 D412 30
< D513 9000
> FF000000 27 D48C 05 0400 123456 20 000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000 00 00
< D58D xx ... 9000
Where xx
should be equal to 0x08.
Communicate using a sequence of TgGetData and TgSetData commands:
> FF000000 02 D486
< D587 xx 9000
Where xx
is the status code (should be 0x00
for success) and C-APDU is the command sent from the reader.
> FF000000 yy D48E
< D587 xx 9000
Where yy
is 2 + the length of the R-APDU (response) and xx
is the status code (should be 0x00
for success).