After learning about shoulda-matchers by answering another StackOverflow question on attribute accessibility tests (and thinking they were pretty awesome), I decided to try refa
I've found some value in writing tests for the presence of database columns. Here's why:
1) Writing them keeps me in the rhythm of TDD.
2) Migrations are usually pretty awesome, until they aren't. I know you're not supposed to edit an existing migration, but when I'm just working on something myself I sometimes do it anyway. And if someone else is working on the same application and changes an existing migration instead of writing a new one, these tests have isolated the problem pretty quickly for me.
If you get bogged down with too many column names & types you can do something like this to save yourself typing:
describe User do
describe 'database' do
describe 'columns' do
%w[reset_password_sent_at remember_created_at current_sign_in_at
last_sign_in_at confirmed_at confirmation_sent_at
created_at updated_at
].each do |column|
it { should have_db_column(column.to_sym).of_type(:datetime) }
describe 'indexes' do
%w[confirmation_token email reset_password_token
].each do |index|
it { should have_db_index(index.to_sym).unique(true)}
Hope that helps.