I am using this snippet below for Ordering my Linq queries dynamically and works great. I am not great at reflection or complex linq queries but I need a way that when ascendin
It's relatively simple. For each passed sort selector, the method executes one of the following:
.OrderBy(x => x.Member)
.ThenBy(x => x.Member)
.OrderByDescending(x => x.Member)
.ThenByDescendiong(x => x.Member)
When the x.Member
type is reference type or nullable value type, the desired behavior can be achieved by pre ordering with the same direction by the following expression
x => x.Member == null ? 1 : 0
Some people use ordering by bool
, but I prefer to be explicit and use conditional operator with specific integer values. So the corresponding calls for the above calls would be:
.OrderBy(x => x.Member == null ? 1 : 0).ThenBy(x => x.Member)
.ThenBy(x => x.Member == null ? 1 : 0).ThenBy(x => x.Member)
.OrderByDescending(x => x.Member == null ? 1 : 0).ThenByDescending(x => x.Member)
.ThenByDescending(x => x.Member == null ? 1 : 0).ThenByDescending(x => x.Member)
i.e. the original method on the pre order expression followed by the ThenBy(Descending)
with the original expression.
Here is the implementation:
public static class OrderByHelper
public static IOrderedQueryable ThenBy(this IEnumerable source, string orderBy)
return source.AsQueryable().ThenBy(orderBy);
public static IOrderedQueryable ThenBy(this IQueryable source, string orderBy)
return OrderBy(source, orderBy, false);
public static IOrderedQueryable OrderBy(this IEnumerable source, string orderBy)
return source.AsQueryable().OrderBy(orderBy);
public static IOrderedQueryable OrderBy(this IQueryable source, string orderBy)
return OrderBy(source, orderBy, true);
private static IOrderedQueryable OrderBy(IQueryable source, string orderBy, bool initial)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(orderBy))
orderBy = "ID DESC";
var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "x");
var expression = source.Expression;
foreach (var item in ParseOrderBy(orderBy, initial))
var order = item.PropertyName.Split('.')
.Aggregate((Expression)parameter, Expression.PropertyOrField);
if (!order.Type.IsValueType || Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(order.Type) != null)
var preOrder = Expression.Condition(
Expression.Equal(order, Expression.Constant(null, order.Type)),
Expression.Constant(1), Expression.Constant(0));
expression = CallOrderBy(expression, Expression.Lambda(preOrder, parameter), item.Direction, initial);
initial = false;
expression = CallOrderBy(expression, Expression.Lambda(order, parameter), item.Direction, initial);
initial = false;
return (IOrderedQueryable)source.Provider.CreateQuery(expression);
private static Expression CallOrderBy(Expression source, LambdaExpression selector, SortDirection direction, bool initial)
return Expression.Call(
typeof(Queryable), GetMethodName(direction, initial),
new Type[] { selector.Parameters[0].Type, selector.Body.Type },
source, Expression.Quote(selector));
private static string GetMethodName(SortDirection direction, bool initial)
return direction == SortDirection.Ascending ?
(initial ? "OrderBy" : "ThenBy") :
(initial ? "OrderByDescending" : "ThenByDescending");
private static IEnumerable ParseOrderBy(string orderBy, bool initial)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(orderBy))
yield break;
string[] items = orderBy.Split(',');
foreach (string item in items)
string[] pair = item.Trim().Split(' ');
if (pair.Length > 2)
throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Invalid OrderBy string '{0}'. Order By Format: Property, Property2 ASC, Property2 DESC", item));
string prop = pair[0].Trim();
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(prop))
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Property. Order By Format: Property, Property2 ASC, Property2 DESC");
SortDirection dir = SortDirection.Ascending;
if (pair.Length == 2)
dir = ("desc".Equals(pair[1].Trim(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? SortDirection.Descending : SortDirection.Ascending);
yield return new OrderByInfo() { PropertyName = prop, Direction = dir, Initial = initial };
initial = false;
private class OrderByInfo
public string PropertyName { get; set; }
public SortDirection Direction { get; set; }
public bool Initial { get; set; }
private enum SortDirection
Ascending = 0,
Descending = 1