I am using RegionPlot3D
in Mathematica to visualise some inequalities. As the inequalities are homogeneous in the coordinates they are uniquely determined by their
Simon beat me to the punch but here's a similar idea, based on lower level graphics. I deal with linear, homogeneous inequalities of the form Ax>0.
A = RandomReal[{0, 1}, {8, 3}];
eqs = And @@ Thread[
A.{Sin[phi] Cos[th], Sin[phi] Sin[th], Cos[phi]} >
Table[0, {Length[A]}]];
twoDPic = RegionPlot[eqs,
{phi, 0, Pi}, {th, 0, 2 Pi}];
pts2D = twoDPic[[1, 1]];
spherePt[{phi_, th_}] := {Sin[phi] Cos[th], Sin[phi] Sin[th],
rpSphere = Graphics3D[GraphicsComplex[spherePt /@ pts2D,
twoDPic[[1, 2]]]]
Let's compare it against a RegionPlot3D
rp3D = RegionPlot3D[And @@ Thread[A.{x, y, z} >
Table[0, {Length[A]}]],
{x, -2, 2}, {y, -2, 2}, {z, -2, 2},
PlotStyle -> Opacity[0.2]];
Show[{rp3D, rpSphere}, PlotRange -> 1.4]