I\'ve installed mongoDB on my windows 10 OS. Then I tried setting its database path to some directory by moving to it and typing mongod --datapath=data
in cmd, wher
For a Windows installation, by default you have to use the full path to the exe unless you add it to the PATH.
To add it to the PATH:
Get path to bin, something like: C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.0\bin
Press the Windows key, type env
, select Edit the system environment variables
On the Advanced
tab, click Environment Variables
In the User variables for xxxx
section, select path
and then click the Edit...
Click New
and paste your path with a trailing slash, eg:
C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.0\bin\
Click OK
, OK
, OK
and restart your command window.
The examples you have seen are probably based on UNIX installations which I think by default install mongo as a service (which Windows doesn't) and that is what is called in those examples.
To simplify startup and configuration on Windows, you can also install it as a service. See the Mongo documentation here and the "Configure Windows Service for MongoDB' section".
This will then allow you to start and stop Mongo by simply calling
net start MongoDB
net stop MongoDB