I\'m trying to emulate an animation effect in code (almost any language would do as it appears to be math rather than language). Essentially, it is the emulation of a mass-sprin
Skip the physics and just go straight to the equation.
parameters: “Here's what I will know in advance - the pixel distance [D] and number of seconds [T0] it takes to get from point A to point B, the number of seconds for oscillation [T1].” Also, I'll add as free parameters: the maximum size of oscillation, Amax, the damping time constant, Tc, and a frame rate, Rf, that is, at what times does one want a new position value. I assume you don't want to calculate this forever, so I'll just do 10 seconds, Ttotal, but there are a variety of reasonable stop conditions...
Here's the code (in Python). The main thing is the equation, found in def Y(t)
from numpy import pi, arange, sin, exp
Ystart, D = 900., 900.-150. # all time units in seconds, distance in pixels, Rf in frames/second
T0, T1, Tc, Amax, Rf, Ttotal = 5., 2., 2., 90., 30., 10.
A0 = Amax*(D/T0)*(4./(900-150)) # basically a momentum... scales the size of the oscillation with the speed
def Y(t):
if t
The idea is linear motion up to the point, followed by a decaying oscillation. The oscillation is provided by the sin
and the decay by multiplying it by the exp
. Of course, change the parameters to get any distance, oscillation size, etc, that you want.
At the risk of making this too long, I realized I could make a gif in GIMP, so this is what it looks like:
I can post the full code to make the plots if there's interest, but basically I'm just calling Y with different D and T0 values for each timestep. If I were to do this again, I could increase the damping (i.e., decrease Tc), but it's a bit of a hassle so I'm leaving it as is.