I\'m trying to set up two instances under an elastic load balancer, but cannot figure out how I\'m supposed to access the instances through the load balancer.
I\'ve set
I went ahead and created a script that will reproduce the same exact steps that i'm using. This assumes you're using linux as an operating system and that the AWS CLI tools are already installed. If you don't have this setup already I recommend starting a new Amazon Linux micro instance and running the script from there since they have everything already installed.
Download the X.509 certificate files from amazon https://aws-portal.amazon.com/gp/aws/securityCredentials
Copy the certificate files to the machine where you will run the commands
Save two variables that are required in the script
Export the certificates as environmental variables
export EC2_CERT=
export EC2_URL=https://ec2.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
Create the security groups
ec2-create-group loadbalancer-sg -d "Loadbalancer Test group"
ec2-authorize loadbalancer-sg -o loadbalancer-sg -u $aws_account
ec2-authorize loadbalancer-sg -p 80 -s
Create the user-data-file for the instance so that apache is started and the index.html file is created
mkdir -p ~/temp/
echo '#! /bin/sh
yum -qy install httpd
touch /var/www/html/index.html
/etc/init.d/httpd start' > ~/temp/user-data.sh
Start the new instance and save the instanceid
instanceid=`ec2-run-instances ami-31814f58 -k "$keypair" -t t1.micro -g loadbalancer-sg -g default -z us-east-1a -f ~/temp/user-data.sh | grep INSTANCE | awk '{ print $2 }'`
Create the loadbalancer and attach the instance
elb-create-lb test-lb --availability-zones us-east-1a --listener "protocol=http, lb-port=80, instance-port=80"
elb-register-instances-with-lb test-lb --instances $instanceid