I have a TeamCity agent configured to build my XCode projects and I use github. I would like to automatically include in my release notes the descriptions from all pending commi
THis is how I ended up doing this using a bash script:
curl -o lastBuild.tmp "http://localhost:8111/app/rest/buildTypes/id:bt2/builds/status:SUCCESS" --user rest:rest
last_commit=`xpath lastBuild.tmp '/build/revisions/revision/@version'| awk -F"\"" '{print $2}'`
echo "##Last commit = $last_commit"
# prepare build notes
NOTES=`git log --pretty=format:"- %s" $last_commit..origin/master`
echo "this is it:$NOTES"
Some explanations:
to fetch the last successful build from your build configuration. In my sample this is bt2, make sure to replace it with yoursgit log
to get all changes form last build and format them anyway you want. I wanted to just get the commit descriptions.