I\'m trying to use paper.js in a webapp, but I\'ve been unable to get it to work with multiple canvases. It\'s like the scopes are getting mixed up between the canvases, so when
Use arrays to separated your papers.
this.mypapers = []
var mypaper = new paper.PaperScope();
mypaper = new paper.PaperScope();
var circle = new this.mypapers[0].Path.Circle(10,10,5);
var circle2 = new this.mypapers[1].Path.Circle(10,10,10);
EDIT: I've update your js fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/94RTX/3/
Apparently each setup erase the previous one, so the solution is to do it in this order:
setup canvas 1-> draw canvas 1 -> setup canvas 2 -> draw canvas 2