Edit: Being a little bit more precise.
I want to test usecases for a Github API wrapper extension, that our team has created. For testing, we don\'t want to use API wrap
I found that this worked for me...
const sinon = require( 'sinon' );
const moduleFunction = require( 'moduleFunction' );
// Required modules get added require.cache.
// The property name of the object containing the module in require.cache is
// the fully qualified path of the module e.g. '/Users/Bill/project/node_modules/moduleFunction/index.js'
// You can get the fully qualified path of a module from require.resolve
// The reference to the module itself is the exports property
const stubbedModule = sinon.stub( require.cache[ require.resolve( 'moduleFunction' ) ], 'exports', () => {
// this function will replace the module
return 'I\'m stubbed!';
// sidenote - stubbedModule.default references the original module...
You have to make sure that you stub the module (as above) before it's required elsewhere...
// elsewhere...
const moduleFunction = require( 'moduleFunction' );
moduleFunction(); // returns 'I'm stubbed!'