Swift has the OptionSet type, which basically adds set operations to C-Style bit flags. Apple is using them pretty extensively in their frameworks. Examples include the options
StrOptionSet Protocol:
StrOptionSet Extension:
Here is the snippet:
protocol StrOptionSet : OptionSet, CustomStringConvertible {
typealias Label = (Self, String)
static var labels: [Label] { get }
extension StrOptionSet {
var strs: [String] { return Self.labels
.filter{ (label: Label) in self.intersection(label.0).isEmpty == false }
.map{ (label: Label) in label.1 }
public var description: String { return strs.joined(separator: ",") }
Add the label set for target option set VTDecodeInfoFlags.
extension VTDecodeInfoFlags : StrOptionSet {
static var labels: [Label] { return [
(.asynchronous, "asynchronous"),
(.frameDropped, "frameDropped"),
(.imageBufferModifiable, "imageBufferModifiable")
Use it
let flags: VTDecodeInfoFlags = [.asynchronous, .frameDropped]
print("flags:", flags) // output: flags: .asynchronous,frameDropped