I have a problem with opencv 3: I want to use a feature detector, SimpleBlobDetector, about to use filters by convexity and circularity. But when I try to execute the code, the
Thanks for the response.
I use detect (like I said in my previous message). I think the detect function probably uses detectAndCompute.
The lack of descriptor can be the problem indeed, because I already had an equivalent problem with Emgu (the C# version of opencv) until I found a developer note saying that the method wasn't corrected yet and the descriptor was the cause.
For others who have the same problem, I finally used cv::findContours instead of the blob detector. It works much better, without any problem. To replace the convexity detection, you can evaluate it using the fullness (shape area / bounding box area). To replace the circularity, use the following formula:
circle area / bounding box area = PI/4
I hope this will hope other people.