I created the following macro. Proc power
returns table pw_cout
containing column Power
. The data _null_
step assigns the val
You can't do what you're trying to do this way. Macros in SAS are a little different than in a typical programming language: they aren't subroutines that you can call, but rather just code that generate other SAS code that gets executed. Since you can't run proc power
inside of a data step, you can't run this macro from a data step either. (Just imagine copying all the code inside the macro into the data step -- it wouldn't work. That's what a macro in SAS does.)
One way to do what you want would be to read each observation from tmp
one at a time, and then run proc power. I would do something like this:
/* First count the observations */
data _null_;
call symputx('nobs',obs);
set tmp nobs=obs;
/* Now read them one at a time in a macro and call proc power */
%macro power;
%do j=1 %to &nobs;
data _null_;
nrec = &j;
set tmp point=nrec;
call symputx('meanA',meanA);
call symputx('stdA',stdA);
call symputx('nA',nA);
call symputx('meanB',meanB);
call symputx('stdB',stdB);
call symputx('nB',nB);
proc power;
twosamplemeans test=diff_satt
groupmeans = &meanA | &meanB
groupstddevs = &stdA | &stdB
groupns = (&nA &nB)
power = .;
ods output Output=pw_out;
proc append base=pw_out_all data=pw_out; run;
By using proc append
you can store the results of each round of output.
I haven't checked this code so it might have a bug, but this approach will work.