I created the following macro. Proc power
returns table pw_cout
containing column Power
. The data _null_
step assigns the val
@itzy is correct in pointing out why your approach won't work. But there is a solution maintaing the spirit of your approach: you need to create a power-calculation function uisng PROC FCMP. In fact, AFAIK, to call a procedure from within a function in PROC FCMP, you need to wrap the call in a macro, so you are almost there.
Here is your macro - slightly modified (mostly to fix the symput
%macro ttest_power;
proc power;
twosamplemeans test=diff_satt
groupmeans = &meanA | &meanB
groupstddevs = &stdA | &stdB
groupns = (&nA &nB)
power = .;
ods output Output=pw_out;
data _null_;
set pw_out;
call symput('tpw', power);
%mend ttest_power;
Now we create a function that will call it:
proc fcmp outlib=work.funcs.test;
function ttest_power_fun(meanA, stdA, nA, meanB, stdB, nB);
rc = run_macro('ttest_power', meanA, stdA, nA, meanB, stdB, nB, tpw);
if rc = 0 then return(tpw);
else return(.);
And finally, we can try using this function in a data step:
options cmplib=work.funcs;
data test;
input a s1 n1 a2 s2 n2;
pw_tmp=ttest_power_fun(a, s1, n1, a2, s2, n2);
0 1 10 0 1 10
0 1 10 1 1 10
proc print data=test;