For instance given:
dim1 <- c("P","PO","C","T")
dim2 <- c("LL","RR","R","Y")
This should do it - if I understand correctly:
Q <- array(1:48, c(4,4,3), dimnames=list(
c("P","PO","C","T"), c("LL","RR","R","Y"), c("Jerry1", "Jerry2", "Jerry3")))
column_ref <- names(which.max(Q[3,1:3, which.max(Q[3,4,])]))[1] # "R"
Some explanation:
which.max(Q[3,4,]) # return the index of the "Jerry3" slice (3)
which.max(Q[3,1:3, 3]) # returns the index of the "R" column (3)
...and then names
returns the name of the index ("R").