I have just installed Vim and when ever I go to open in ruby file I get these errors:
Error detected while processing C:\\Program files (x86)\\Vim\\vimfiles\\ftp
If you run RVM and want its default ruby, use:
let g:ruby_path = "/Users/allen/.rvm/rubies/default/bin"
If you set your ruby interpreter in your project .rvmrc file, you can create an environment variable in your .rvmrc:
rvm 1.9.2@projectname --create
export RUBY_BIN=`which ruby | sed 's/ruby$//'`
You can use environment variables in your .vimrc:
let g:ruby_path=$RUBY_BIN
(Note you should also set a default $RUBY_BIN in your .bashrc or .zshrc so this works outside of .rvmrc projects.)
If your ~/.rvm/rubies/default/bin path does not yet exist, you need to set your rvm system default of ruby. At your command prompt or terminal application, enter:
rvm use 1.9.2 --default
using whatever ruby version you need.