I\'m doing a clone of a DIV element on button click, I\'m able to change the value of ID of the DIV element I\'m cloning. But is it possible to change the id of the inner elemen
I had a similar need to change the id of the clone and all its children. Posting my solution to help someone in the future. I wanted to change the ids and the names of all the children of the clone.
$("#form").on('click', '.clone', function (e) {
var myid = this.id; // id of section we are cloning i.e. section_1
myid = myid.split('_');
var num = 0;
// count existing sections
num++; // new number for clone
var newid = 'section_'+num;
// make and change id of the clone
var clone = $( "#section_"+myid[1] ).clone().attr("id", newid);
// get clone children
clone.children().find('input,textarea,button,a,select').attr('id', function( i, val ){
var oldid = val;
var newid = val + num;
clone.find("#"+val).attr("id", newid);
clone.find("#"+newid).attr("name", newid);
clone.appendTo( ".sections" );