I have an array of bytes (any length), and I want to encode this array into string using my own base encoder. In .NET
is standard Base64
encoder, but w
Another example to look at is Ascii85, used in Adobe PostScript and PDF documents. In Ascii85, 5 characters are used to encode 4 bytes. You can figure out the efficiency of this coding as (256^4)/(85^5) = 96.8%. This is the fraction of bit combinations that will actually be used.
So, for whatever new base you would want to use to encode your data, you want to look for a power that will get it just above a power of 256 if you're trying to maximize coding efficiency. This might not be easy for every base. Checking base 53 shows that the best you'll probably get is using 7 bytes to encode 5 bytes (93.6% efficiency), unless you feel like using 88 bytes to encode 63 bytes.