I have an array of bytes (any length), and I want to encode this array into string using my own base encoder. In .NET
is standard Base64
encoder, but w
Here is a copy from my blog which I hope helps how (and why) I convert to Base62
I am currently working on my own url shortener: konv.es. In order to create the shortest possible character hash of the url, I use the GetHashCode() method of the string, then convert the resulting number to base 62 ([0-9a-zA-Z]). The most elegant solution that I have found thus far to make the convertion (which is also a handy-dandy example of a yield return) is:
public static IEnumerable ToBase62(int number)
yield return "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"[number % 62];
number /= 62;
} while (number > 0);
Extra credit: re-factor as an extension method