Consider a function with the following signature:
(defn make-widget [& {:keys [x y] :or {x 10 y 20}}]
What is the best way to pass a
There is also a known (not invented by me at least), function "mapply":
(defn mapply [f & args] (apply f (apply concat (butlast args) (last args))))
which can be applied like
(mapply your-function {:your "map"})
As to why is this language-specific functionality absent from Clojure core, being implemented more natively and elegantly, no one could ever give me a clear answer.
After I have spent much time programming in Clojure, I personally tend to refrain from creating functions that accept a {}
as a vararg. Although at first this can seem appealing, in reality experience proves that passing an explicit {}
is always better for many reasons.