Is it possible to find all classes or interfaces in a given package? (Quickly looking at e.g. Package, it would seem like no.)
Here's how I do it. I scan all the subfolders (sub-packages) and I don't try to load anonymous classes:
* Attempts to list all the classes in the specified package as determined
* by the context class loader, recursively, avoiding anonymous classes
* @param pckgname
* the package name to search
* @return a list of classes that exist within that package
* @throws ClassNotFoundException
* if something went wrong
private static List getClassesForPackage(String pckgname) throws ClassNotFoundException {
// This will hold a list of directories matching the pckgname. There may be more than one if a package is split over multiple jars/paths
ArrayList directories = new ArrayList();
String packageToPath = pckgname.replace('.', '/');
try {
ClassLoader cld = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
if (cld == null) {
throw new ClassNotFoundException("Can't get class loader.");
// Ask for all resources for the packageToPath
Enumeration resources = cld.getResources(packageToPath);
while (resources.hasMoreElements()) {
directories.add(new File(URLDecoder.decode(resources.nextElement().getPath(), "UTF-8")));
} catch (NullPointerException x) {
throw new ClassNotFoundException(pckgname + " does not appear to be a valid package (Null pointer exception)");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException encex) {
throw new ClassNotFoundException(pckgname + " does not appear to be a valid package (Unsupported encoding)");
} catch (IOException ioex) {
throw new ClassNotFoundException("IOException was thrown when trying to get all resources for " + pckgname);
ArrayList classes = new ArrayList();
// For every directoryFile identified capture all the .class files
while (!directories.isEmpty()){
File directoryFile = directories.remove(0);
if (directoryFile.exists()) {
// Get the list of the files contained in the package
File[] files = directoryFile.listFiles();
for (File file : files) {
// we are only interested in .class files
if ((file.getName().endsWith(".class")) && (!file.getName().contains("$"))) {
// removes the .class extension
int index = directoryFile.getPath().indexOf(packageToPath);
String packagePrefix = directoryFile.getPath().substring(index).replace('/', '.');;
try {
String className = packagePrefix + '.' + file.getName().substring(0, file.getName().length() - 6);
} catch (NoClassDefFoundError e)
// do nothing. this class hasn't been found by the loader, and we don't care.
} else if (file.isDirectory()){ // If we got to a subdirectory
directories.add(new File(file.getPath()));
} else {
throw new ClassNotFoundException(pckgname + " (" + directoryFile.getPath() + ") does not appear to be a valid package");
return classes;