Suppose you have an array like:
double[,] rectArray = new double[10,3];
Now you want the fouth row as a double[] array of 3 elements without do
Why not make a generic extension method?
public static T[] GetRow(this T[,] input2DArray, int row) where T : IComparable
var width = input2DArray.GetLength(0);
var height = input2DArray.GetLength(1);
if (row >= height)
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Row Index Out of Range");
// Ensures the row requested is within the range of the 2-d array
var returnRow = new T[width];
for(var i = 0; i < width; i++)
returnRow[i] = input2DArray[i, row];
return returnRow;
Like this all you have to code is:
array2D = new double[,];
// ... fill array here
var row = array2D.GetRow(4) // Implies getting 5th row of the 2-D Array
This is useful if you're trying to chain methods after obtaining a row and could be helpful with LINQ commands as well.