I must prepare a webservice to accept anan already defined wsdl structure. I followed the tutorial found here, with source code for the test project downloadable here.
There is simpler way. In place of DefaultWsdl11Definition use ProviderBasedWsdl4jDefinition and set all default providers but one - in place of SuffixBasedPortTypesProvider use something like this:
public class DelphiStylePortTypesProvider extends AbstractPortTypesProvider {
protected String getOperationName(Message msg) {
if (isInputMessage(msg)) {
return msg.getQName().getLocalPart();
if (isOutputMessage(msg)) {
return msg.getQName().getLocalPart().replace("Response", "");
return "";
protected boolean isInputMessage(Message msg) {
return !msg.getQName().getLocalPart().endsWith("Response");
protected boolean isOutputMessage(Message msg) {
return msg.getQName().getLocalPart().endsWith("Response");
protected boolean isFaultMessage(Message msg) {
return false;