I was recently looking at the wikipedia page for dependent types, and I was wondering; does Perl 6 actually introduce dependent types? I can\'t seem to find a reliable source cl
Arguably yes as subsets are types that may depend on arbitrary conditions. However, the type system would be classified as unsound as type invariants are not enforced.
In particular, a variable's type constraint is only checked on assignment, so modifications to an object that make it drop from a subset will lead to a variable holding an object it should not be able to, eg
subset OrderedList of List where [<=] @$_;
my OrderedList $list = [1, 2, 3];
$list[0] = 42;
say $list ~~ OrderedList;
You can use some meta-object wizardry to make the object system automatically check the type after any method call by boxing objects in transparent guard objects.
A naive implementation could look like this:
class GuardHOW {
has $.obj;
has $.guard;
has %!cache =
gist => sub (Mu \this) {
?? $!obj.gist
!! "({ self.name(this) })";
UNBOX => sub (Mu $) { $!obj };
method find_method(Mu $, $name) {
%!cache{$name} //= sub (Mu $, |args) {
POST $!obj ~~ $!guard;
method name(Mu $) { "Guard[{ $!obj.^name }]" }
method type_check(Mu $, $type) { $!obj ~~ $type }
sub guard($obj, $guard) {
use nqp;
PRE $obj ~~ $guard;
nqp::create(nqp::newtype(GuardHOW.new(:$obj, :$guard), 'P6int'));
This will make the following fail:
my $guarded-list = guard([1, 2, 3], OrderedList);
$guarded-list[0] = 42;